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Our bees gather nectar from the flowers in our fruit trees, those in the forest, in the riparian strips, or in the fields in which the hives are installed. They produce liquid and velvety honey that has a delicate floral taste.

There are colorful apiaries in a few places in the valley. Our bees are treated with great care by Marie-Michèle and Étienne. They always produce an exceptional honey so appreciated by our loyal customers.

9 products

Miel de fleurs des champs liquide
Liquid wildflower honey Sale priceFrom $8.75
Miel de fleurs des champs crémeux
Creamy wildflower honey Sale priceFrom $8.75
Gelée de miel
Honey jelly Sale price$8.35
Gelée de miel à la vanille boréale
Le trio d'Anne-Marie
Box | Honey Sale price$22.50
Savon fragrance miel
Honey soap Sale price$7.55
Poterie pour contenir 600g de miel
Terracotta honey pot Sale priceFrom $34.95
Ensemble pot en terre cuite et pot de miel de la vallee
Honey and pottery Sale priceFrom $42.95