Article: Fig tree care guide

Fig tree care guide
Origin of the fig tree
Native to Asia Minor (roughly present-day Turkey), the common fig tree (Ficus carica) belongs to the Moraceae family. Its fruit, the fig, is the emblem of the Mediterranean basin where this fruit tree is very widespread.
The varieties of fig trees found in America are self-fertile, meaning they produce fruit without fertilization. No action on your part is therefore required for this step.
Number of harvests per year
Fig tree varieties are either uniferous (one harvest per year) or biferous (two harvests per year). In the latter case, the figs of the first harvest, called "flower figs", grow on the wood of the previous year. Those of the second harvest, called "autumn figs", grow on the young wood of the year.
Precautions for handling the fig tree
Since its leaves are stinging, they can cause itching and irritation for up to several hours after contact with the skin. It is therefore advisable to wear long clothing when caring for it. It is also highly recommended to wear protective glasses when pruning or stripping leaves, since the whitish latex of the fig tree can cause burns, especially if it comes into contact with the eyes.
Growing in open ground or in containers
It is possible to grow fig trees in Quebec in the ground or in containers. The factor to consider when making this choice is the winterization technique. With the harshness of the Quebec winter and depending on the hardiness of the fig tree variety, growing in pots may be a more advantageous choice.
Choice of container
In order to avoid the roots spiraling, it is wise to choose a geotextile pot of the "smartpot" type. Otherwise, the chosen pot must at least have holes to allow water to drain. It should be noted that the type of container chosen will have an impact on the water supply to be provided to the fig tree, it will therefore have to be adapted accordingly.
Choosing the potting soil
Prioritizing a substrate with a perennial structure with coconut fiber for example will prevent compaction. Substrates for tropical plants sold in nurseries are an interesting option.
Irrigation and sunshine
The fig tree loves the sun: it is the heat and abundance of light that will allow it to obtain abundant and sweet fruits. As for irrigation, its frequency will depend on the type of pot chosen and its size. As a general rule, the fig tree should not be watered too much, that is to say, it will prefer a drier soil than too wet. It is therefore necessary to let it dry out between irrigations.
During the summer period, it is recommended to fertilize the fig tree with a 20-20-20 fertilizer or with granular chicken manure sold in nurseries. Avoid fertilizing the fig tree during the dormant period.
Repotting the fig tree in a container
As the fig tree grows to its desired size, it is advisable to repot it once a year, gradually increasing the size of the pot.
Maintenance size
Fig tree maintenance pruning involves clearing the inside of the plant to allow good light penetration. Cutting off crossing branches will also help prevent included bark.
Dormancy and winterization of the fig tree
The fig tree must be able to enjoy a dormant period in winter to provide good fruit production. Thus, when temperatures and light levels drop, the leaves of the fig tree will turn yellow before falling. Depending on the hardiness of the variety chosen and the geographical location, it is necessary most of the time to winterize the fig tree which would not survive the rigors of our climate.
Here are two methods:
Method 1: Before the first snow, lay the fig tree on the ground outside and cover it with an insulating blanket purchased from a nursery. The snow that accumulates on the blanket will act as insulation and protect the fig tree from excessively cold temperatures. In the spring, once the snow has melted and the risk of extreme cold has passed, remove the blanket and raise the fig tree.
Method 2: For the cold season, store the fig tree in a garage or other heated place at around 5°C (maximum 10°C) with little light. Light irrigation about once a month will prevent the roots from drying out. Do not fertilize the fig tree during this period.
The main pests
Mealybugs, oval-shaped insects covered in a white, powdery coating, are likely to settle on fig trees, especially in warm, humid conditions. They are detected by observing a white, downy wax, a sticky texture, or blackened areas on the leaves. Manual monitoring provides good population control. In the event of a larger infestation, rinsing the fig tree with water or spraying it with a mixture of water, insecticidal soap, and rubbing alcohol will reduce the insect population. Although this solution is more expensive, it is also possible to integrate insects that prey on the mealybug, such as Cryptolaemus and the green lacewing.
The two-spotted spider mite, commonly called the red spider, can also settle on the fig tree, particularly in a hot and dry climate. The presence of small spider webs makes it possible to detect this insect, the adult of which is either yellow with two black dots, or red or orange. When well established on a plant, the foliage becomes yellowish, grayish or bronze in color before falling to the ground. Misting the leaves and more frequent irrigation can slow its spread. Spider mite predator insects are also available from retailers specializing in biological control.
The main varieties of fig trees in La Vallée du Moulin
Here is a short description of 10 varieties of fig trees available for sale:
- Chicago Hardy: biferous, dark red fleshed fig of small to medium size, taste reminiscent of strawberries, cherries or blueberries.
- Yellow Long Neck: bifera, large fig with bright yellow skin and pale yellow flesh with a very characteristic long neck, taste of honey or agave nectar.
- Lattarula: bifera, medium-sized fig with yellow-green skin and light or amber-coloured flesh, flavour reminiscent of honey.
- Texas Everbearing: biferous, medium-sized fig with green and purple skin and amber or pale pink flesh, slightly sweet taste.
- Black Mission: bifera, medium-sized fig with purple skin and pale red flesh, tastes of berries, honey and dried fruit. It is the best known and most cultivated variety throughout the world.
- Ischia: bifera, medium to large fig with green-yellow skin and red flesh, sweet and tangy taste.
- Violette de Bordeaux: bifère, medium-sized fig with purple skin and red flesh, very sweet taste reminiscent of strawberry or blueberry jam.
- LSU Purple: bifera, small elongated fig with dark purple skin and beige pulp, taste with aromas of maple syrup or sweet honey.
- Magnolia: bifera, very large fig with brown and green skin and pale amber flesh, slightly sweet taste. Excellent for food processing.
- Brown Turkey: biferous, medium to large sized fig with pale brown and green skin and pale red or brown flesh, very sweet taste.
- Chicago Hardy: biferous, small purple fig with red flesh, very sweet taste with berry flavors.
Interesting resources to learn more
REICH, Lee, Growing Figs in Cold Climates, A complete guide, New Society Publishers, 2021, 115 p.
Various forums bringing together people who are passionate about growing fig trees are also accessible on social networks.